Education is an unfinished symphony.
A quote attributed to the late Israeli politician Zalman Aran, beautifully summarizes the essence of The Jewish Center’s curriculum. Evidence of this mantra is easily seen in the host of learning opportunities we offer to all ages. There is truly no age-limit to gaining more knowledge and our programs are a testament to that philosophy.
Recognizing lifelong learning as a core Jewish value, Adult Education contributes to the intellectual and spiritual life of every congregant with diverse programs that enrich our understanding, raise thoughtful questions, and satisfy curiosity.
The mission of Adult Education at the Jewish Center is to provide varied, intellectually stimulating learning opportunities that are attuned to the interests of a broad cross section of the congregation and the outside community, and are offered in a welcoming and enjoyable environment.
To learn more about our ongoing classes, mini-series, lectures, text study, panel presentations, films, book discussions, one-time events and major programs: please sign up for our Chadashot-weekly e-newsletter by contacting [email protected] or call the office 609.921.0100.
Unless otherwise noted, Adult Education programs are provided free of charge.
Provide an array of high quality educational programs that:
• Appeal to congregants at all life stages and with many different learning styles.
• Enable congregants to interact as a community and learn from one another.
• Enhance congregants’ Jewish lives and knowledge through Torah study programs and other spiritual and Jewish learning opportunities.
• Inform the membership on issues of contemporary importance.
• Create a safe and supportive environment to debate complex issues.
• Grow attendance and engagement with adult education to build a foundation for future courses, as well as new topics, teachers and formats.
Lifelong Learning Opportunities
- Adult B'nei Mitzvah
One of TJC’s most intense and rewarding programs of study is our two-year adult b’nai mitzvah course. Culminating in a Shabbat morning service led by members of the class, this wonderful program involves weekly study sessions with our clergy, Hebrew language instruction, training in Torah cantillation, and more. Most importantly, the program offers the opportunity for participants to develop close relationships with one another and to reflect on the role that Judaism plays in their life today. All are welcome regardless of background!
Please contact the temple office ([email protected] or 609-921-0100) if you have an interest in signing up for this program.
- Current Programs
Arts & Culture Experiences
- Stay tuned for our return!
FAQs About TJC's Religious School
Our Religious School welcomes approximately 150 students each year from Pre-K through high school. Our students come from towns throughout the area and attend a variety of public and private schools. Our students come to TJC from diverse families and with different levels of Jewish knowledge and experience. Everyone is welcome and valued here.
We make Jewish learning INTERESTING, MEANINGFUL, CREATIVE, and INSPIRING. Our curriculum prioritizes building Jewish community for our students and families with experiential programs for individual grades and for the whole school together.
Each grade has customized, age-appropriate lesson plans to strengthen students’ Jewish identity and knowledge. We focus on holidays and prayers, Hebrew reading, Jewish history and sacred texts, Israel, mitzvot (good deeds) and values, spirituality and much more.
Grades Pre-K through 2nd–Gan Katan, Gan, Aleph & Bet–attend once a week:
Sundays* from 9:00 a.m. – noon
Grades 3 through 6–Gimmel, Daled, Heh & Vav–attend twice weekly:
Sundays* from 9:00 a.m. – noon, and
Wednesdays from 4:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Free, early drop-off opens at 4:00 p.m.
Grade 7, Zayin, attends twice weekly:
Sundays* from 9:00 a.m. – noon, and
Wednesdays from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (dinner is included)..
*All Sunday morning sessions include a light breakfast served to the students beginning October 2023.
#Sulam (Grades 8 through 12) meet:
Three Wednesday evenings and one Sunday evening per month. Dinner is included.
The Wednesday evening sessions are customized for each grade.
- Students in grades 8-10 meet three Wednesdays each month.
- Students in grades 11-12 meet one Wednesday each month.
One Sunday each month, all Sulam participants meet for joint programming.
Students in grades 3 through 7
In addition to their classroom Hebrew instruction on Sundays and Wednesdays, each student receives weekly, individualized Hebrew instruction over Zoom. The lesson is scheduled at the beginning of the year on a consistent day and time (Monday – Thursday) that parents arrange with the school office.
Teachers reserve that time for their students and prepare for the lesson. If students do not show up for their Zoom session, charges may be incurred.
Younger students, grades K through 2
Our youngest students begin learning Hebrew letters in class. By the time they finish second grade, they can decode simple words and are prepared for more in depth Hebrew instruction that begins in third grade.
Junior Congregation is our regular Saturday morning learners’ service for 3rd through 5th graders from 10:30 a.m. – noon in the Bet Midrash (chapel on right as you walk into the building) during the school year. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend with their children.
Please note: 6th graders and their families attend adult services in the sanctuary to help them prepare for Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Shabbat L’Kulanu (Shabbat for All) is a school-wide Shabbat family program for all grades K-12 that occurs on 4 Shabbat mornings throughout the year, from 10:00 a.m. – noon, followed by Kiddush lunch. We require our students to make every effort to attend these Saturday school days. On those 4 weekends there is no religious school on Sunday.
Shabbat L’Kulanu (Shabbat for All) 2023-24
Saturdays: October 28th and December 9th, 2023
February 10th and April 27th, 2024
Shabbat Katan (Shabbat for Little Ones) is a spirited service designed for preschool-aged children and their families. Led by music teacher Susan Sacks and parents, this interactive Shabbat experience includes stories, prayers, songs, and a brief Torah reading. Shabbat Katan is offered once per month from 11:00 a.m. – noon and is open to the community!
In order to best prepare students for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, there is a Shabbat service attendance requirement as follows:
Grade 3 5 services plus 1 Friday night service
Grade 4 6 services plus 2 Friday night services
Grade 5 7 services plus 3 Friday night services
Grade 6 10 services plus 3 Friday night services.
Attendance will be taken and kept in a binder in the main building. Students will mark themselves “present” using a sticker on the page with their name on it.
Enjoy our grade-level Shabbat dinners for students and their families, as well as all-school dinners scheduled on Friday evenings.
Some Saturday mornings are also designated for increased participation by certain grades. In addition to attending Junior Congregation /services for 3rd-to-5th grade, students may be invited to help lead parts of the adult service such as the closing prayer, Adon Olam.
Questions related to #Sulam, grades 8 to 12
In Hebrew, Sulam means ladder. High school and middle school youth deserve their own engaging Jewish community and programs that move them up the Sulam, the ladder, to adulthood.
In Hebrew, Sulamit, means hashtag. It’s a ready-made meme for our teens’ social media!
#Sulam students, grades 8 to 12, may serve as Madrichim, or student leaders, in our TJC classrooms. The word madrich means guide or leader. Madrichim will receive special training in crafting lessons, classroom management strategies, peer leadership, and opportunities to explore various ways to become leaders in the future.
The responsibility of Madrichim has expanded. As role models, there is an increased expectation of involvement in the community beyond #Sulam and religious school time. Students interested in serving as Madrichim can click here for the application and here for the brit (list of responsibilities that they are expected to uphold).
Gimmel to Vav, Grades 3 to 6–questions about the schedule changes for 2023-2024
We offer free, supervised drop-off at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays: a great time for students to relax and socialize. Snacks will be available for sale.
We are no longer offering the Tuesday online option due to last year’s low enrollment and low attendance.
The extra hour on Sundays enables our teachers and learners to gather for a light breakfast and to engage in building a Jewish youth community. Stay tuned for more information about our Sunday programming.