Annual Fund FAQs
About this year’s Annual Fund
75 for 75!
This year our Annual Fund has a special ask:
we’re looking for an increase of $75 per donation to commemorate the Jewish Center turning 75.
• If you have previously donated, we ask that you increase your gift by $75
• If you have not been a donor prior to this year, our hope is to gain 75 new families who donate at least $75.
Questions? Please contact Executive Director
Joel Berger at [email protected]

Giving Levels
Me’orot- Luminaries $54,000
Chalutzim – Pioneers $36,000
Kochavim – Stars $18,000 and above
Manhigim – Leaders : $10,000 and above
Giborim – Heroes: $5,400 and above
Amudim – Pillars: $3,600 and above
Shomrim – Guardians: $1,800 and above
Bonim – Builders: $900 and above
Tormim – Supporters: $500 and above
Haverim – Friends: $180 and above
What is the Annual Fund?
The Annual Fund at The Jewish Center was created to allow our congregants to make one significant and meaningful contribution a year to help to cover operating expenses not covered by membership dues alone. Annual Fund contributions allow our congregation to thrive and operate at a level of excellence we all appreciate. Operating expenses are much more than utility costs and salaries. They include life-long learning expenses for our youngest congregants though our engaged seniors. They include congregational celebrations and improved technical abilities to share our services electronically, and most important, they include enhancement of our religious services and spiritual engagement.
From time to time, TJC will add a social fundraising event to mark an important occasion, such as an Anniversary or Installation. Many members appreciate this additional opportunity to give and come together as a community.
It is very easy to make a pledge and fund your gift each year. Payment can be made by check or credit card in a lump sum or through monthly payments. If you would like to make your gift through a stock transfer, please contact our Executive Director, Joel Berger for instructions. To make a gift online, please click on this link: Donate
Your gift to the Annual Fund is greatly appreciated and will be recognized in our Newsletter and on the Donor Board in our lobby. You have a choice to make your gift anonymous.
Please email Executive Director Joel Berger with any questions.
Aren’t our dues high enough already–why don’t they fully cover our costs?
When we started the Annual Fund, we did a study of synagogues in surrounding and comparable suburban areas. All of these synagogues report that dues are not sufficient to cover all of their ongoing expenses—contributions are an essential revenue component enabling them to balance their budgets. While many of our congregants give generously to numerous Jewish and secular organizations, they assume that The Jewish Center is sustained by dues payments for membership. Actually, our situation is like that of private schools, universities, and arts groups. They may derive the bulk of their income through tuition and ticket sales, but need an annual fundraising appeal to balance the budget. In the five years of its operation, The Jewish Center Annual Fund has been an important factor in our ability to avoid budget deficits.
How Do We Recognize Contributors to The Jewish Center Annual Fund?
Your gift to the Annual Fund will be greatly appreciated and recognized on an Annual Donor Wall in the Lobby. All givers (regardless of level) will be recognized in the newsletter. If you wish your gift to be anonymous, we will honor that request as well.
What kind of financial commitment are you expecting?
Clearly nobody can answer that question for you. We are hoping that everyone in the congregation will participate at some level that is personally comfortable. We are also hoping that your Annual Fund contributions increase each year as our operating costs increase each year.
How can I make my pledge?
To make a pledge, simply return the form that was mailed to your home, or send an e-mail to Executive Director Joel Berger.
How and when can I pay my pledge?
Payment can be made either by check or credit card with payment expected within six months of the pledge date. Please note that if you wish, you can make monthly payments on your credit card rather than a lump sum payment. We can even accept transfers of appreciated stock helping you avoid paying the related capital gains tax.
Can I designate that my Annual Fund contributions be used only to support my favorite programs at The Jewish Center?
No – All Annual Fund contributions are specifically used to defray operating expenses. You can continue to support the many other worthwhile Jewish Center funds and endowments through ongoing contributions (options listed on the back of the monthly newsletter). We are looking at possible ways in the future to allow you to designate that funds be used for purposes that are especially important to you.
Is this the only time that you will ask for my support this year?
The Annual Fund is the only way that we raise money to address the operating expenses of The Jewish Center. In most cases, this will be the only time that we approach you about fundraising. In the course of the year, there may be some special events or initiatives that will require the support of a few interested congregants.
What will happen if The Jewish Center Annual Fund does not achieve its objectives?
Our budget depends on significant funds raised through The Annual Fund. Failure to achieve these objectives will produce the kinds of budget deficits that we have faced in the past. Deficits mean depletion of our limited reserve funds and cutbacks to programs and services at The Jewish Center.