May 4, 2024 – Our Diamond Jubilee celebration. It was a magical evening of dining and dancing, cruise ship activities, and exotic ports of call.

Celebrate our Honorees!

Lori and Michael Feldstein

Lori and Michael Feldstein
Celebrating TJC’s 75th anniversary fills us with gratitude and nostalgia. For Michael, it’s been a lifelong presence from Hebrew School to his bar mitzvah. Years later, Lori was warmly welcomed to TJC and this community would go on to shape our family’s journey. Our children grew up at TJC and formed enduring friendships. TJC is our anchor, offering support in joy and sorrow. Serving on the board gave us both an opportunity to give back, and for Michael, the honor of serving as President was a privilege. As the TJC turns 75, we extend heartfelt wishes to its current leaders, hoping TJC’s flame burns bright for 75 more years.

Linda and Michael Grenis
We joined The Jewish Center in 1990.   We jumped into TJC with two feet, becoming actively involved in the school, volunteer roles in shul and participating in oodles of adult education, social events and trips. TJC became the center of our lives, and it is where we met the majority of our friends!  

There hasn’t been a better decision we could have made upon moving to Princeton.  From baby namings, to B’nai Mitzvot, to Aufrufs, TJC has been there for us. It has been an especially comforting place during our darkest and most challenging times. Each member of our family would tell you that The Jewish Center has helped shape their life.  Our family’s strong love of Judaism was etched, nurtured and cultivated at TJC and we are forever grateful. 

Linda and Michael Grenis
Arlene and Henry Opatut

Arlene and Henry Opatut
We became members in 1979, soon after we moved to Princeton and the birth of our daughter, Jessica
z”l. And yes, we remember services for the High Holidays taking place in a tent.  When our son Daniel turned 2, he joined the pre-nursery school play group, and then spent the next 15 years growing up in this building.  

Over the years we’ve participated in many programs and activities, both educational and charitable. 

We’re grateful for all that The Jewish Center has given us and 

cherish the family we’ve acquired since becoming members.

David and Alison Politziner
The rhythm of our lives is played out at The Jewish Center Shabbat after Shabbat, Yom Kippur after Yom Kippur. The melody holds long measures of Sammy and Sarah’s Hebrew School experiences leading to the crescendos of their bar and bat mitzvahs.

Listening back on our 40 years of membership, we hear ourselves adding the high notes of many friendships and appreciating the opportunities to add more, the blessing of an unfinished symphony.

David and Allison Politizner

Thank you to our Sponsors as of March 29, 2024

Heidi Joseph and Dave Saltzman
Lynn Joy Sapoff
Alexandra Bar-Cohen
Bobbi and Barry Freedman
Arlene and Henry Opatut
Alison and David Politziner
Carol and Mark Pollard
Rogie and Martin Rome
Perrisue and Victor Silverstein
Hazel Stix
Susan and Michael Falcon
Lori and Michael Feldstein
Nadivah and David Greenberg
Linda and Michael Grenis
The Persky Family
The Tobias Family
Robin L. and Alan Wallack
Marsha and Elliot Freeman
Florence and Steven Kahn
The Kaufman Family
Sheryl & Joseph Punia
Beatrice and Michael Bloom
Lean and Ra’anan Boustan
JoAnn and Philip Carchman
Marcie and Marc Citron
Bruce Goldstein
The Grenis Children
Joel Heymsfeld
Margie and Jeffrey Honickman
Linda and Art Meisel
Wendy and Mark Merkovitz
Orland’s Ewing Memorial Chapel
Princeton Orthopaedic Associates
Lesley & Ross Wishnick
Judy and Mike Leopold
Debbie Freedman and Avi Paradise
Debbie and Randy Brett
CBIZ Borden Perlman Insurance Services
Ellen Gordon
Susan and Jonathan Gross
Diane and Metin Guvenis
Randy and Steve Hubert  
Stephen Hudis
Maia Jachimowicz and Jeremy Spiegel
K Street Group Security
Non Profit Accounting Solutions LLC
Schwartz Law Group, LLC
Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey
The Sarett Family
Ruth Schulman
Dee Silver and Ed Flax
Sue and Rick Wehmann
Neil Wise and Lincoln Harding Wise
Ted and Renee Altman
Fran and Assaf Amir
Phyllis Caras
Photography by Jen Davis
Joanne Fishbane
Judi & Bernie Fleitman
Donna and David Gabai
Barbara and Lew Gantwerk
Ilene and Jonathan Gershen
Evy and Lenny Grossman
Hager-Johnson Family Giving Fund
Paula and Steven Heller
Helaine and Hanan Isaacs
Sara and Steven Just
Alan Medvin and Harriet Kass
Judy and Sandy Kutin
Seva & Peter Kramer
Joan Levin
Susan and Morty Levine
Nancy and Neil Lewis
Rabbi Andrea Merow
LInda and Josh Milstein
Naomi Richman Neumann
and Jerry Neumann
Craig Provorny & Debbie Orel
Rhona and Allen Porter
Ellen & George Pristach
Provident Technology
Judy and Steve Richman
Linda Rosenberg  and  Barry Ableman
Judy and Marty Schwartz
Diane & Mitchell Schwartz
Betsy and Gary Silverman
Jane Silverman
Elaine and Barry Sussman
Judy and Howard Wiener
Pamela Zaifman
Brenda and Avraham Zlatin
Marvin and Sandra Rosen