Religious School

The Jewish Center is proud of our innovative and award-winning Religious School program and curriculum. Our program is grounded in social and emotional learning, and features experiential learning opportunities,Tikkun Olam, social action initiatives, a professionalized teaching staff, and family education opportunities.

Our school begins with our TJC Tot Shabbat playgroup and runs through high school. The curriculum is designed to expose the students to material appropriate for their developmental age. Our faculty strives to bring a sense of commitment and love of Judaism when working with our youth each week.  We provide our staff with ongoing professional development opportunities.  Our goal is to help parents raise Jewish children who will grow to be Jewish adults with a strong Jewish identity.

Parents are invited to take an active role in their children’s Jewish education. Through participating in family and parent learning opportunities, we empower all caregivers to create a Jewish home that aligns with their Jewish journeys. Parents are encouraged to join their children’s classes, whether they are on-line, in person, or on Shabbat.

Religious School Curriculum

Our Religious School program was created in response to listening to parents, as well as extensive research into cutting-edge programs across the country.  It has resulted in a strong, sophisticated, meaningful and relevant curriculum for our students. 

Our school follows a semester model, and allows for flexibility with both in-person and online learning.  We follow a core curriculum of Jewish values, and allow students to choose Judaic based electives of their choice based on their grade.

Our commitment to Jewish living and values is reflected in our dynamic and relevant programming, and expands our students’ Jewish horizons and enriches their Jewish souls.  

Grade Level Information

Our religious school program is divided into core age groups, with curricula and hours of instruction appropriate to each:

Descriptions by Level

  • Gan Katan
    • Age:  Pre-K, 4-5 years old
    • Days:   Sunday
    • Hours:  9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    • Age: Pre-K, 4-5 years old
    • Days: Sunday
    • Hours: 9:00am-12:00pm


    Students will explore the Seven Days of Creation; symbols and foods of the Jewish holidays; Shabbat evening prayers; and will build a foundation to talk about God. Students will learn about Israel as the Jewish homeland; the places and people that make up a synagogue; and how to be a good community member by giving tzedakah and caring for the earth.


  • Ganon
    • Days: Sunday
    • Hours: 9:00am-12:00pm


    Students will explore the stories of Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, and the Tower of Babel; Israeli food and symbols connected to major Jewish holidays; and how to show gratitude to God. Students will learn about being a mensch; wearing kippah, tallit, and tefillin; and what goes on in a Sanctuary.


  • Aleph (1st Grade)
    • Days: Sunday
    • Hours: 9:00am-12:00pm


    Students will explore the stories of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs; how human beings can partner with God; and the core stories of each of the holidays. Students will learn about how Jews arrived in America; the physical contours of the land of Israel; and core mitzvot like welcoming guests and feeding the hungry. Hebrew exposure will be through music and movement.



  • Bet (2nd Grade)
    • Days: Sunday
    • Hours: 9:00am-12:00pm


    Students will explore the stories of Genesis and Exodus; how we can communicate with God; and what actions we can take to observe each of the holidays. Students will learn about the global Jewish Diaspora; what it means to make Aliyah to Israel; and the Ten Commandments.

  • Gimmel (3rd Grade)
    • Sunday 9:00am-12:00pm
    • Wednesday 4:15-6:00pm
    • 1:1 Hebrew lessons on zoom 20 minutes


    Students will explore the weekly Torah portion; the prayers of Havdalah and Ma’ariv (evening service); and will delve into multi-week intensives on Sukkot, Hanukkah, and Pesach using multimedia approaches. Students will learn about the different populations that make up Israel; the mitzvot of keeping kosher and tzedakah; and will begin exploring the lifecycle by looking at rituals for welcoming new babies.


  • Daled (4th Grade)
    • Sunday 9:00am-12:00pm
    • Wednesday 4:15-6:00pm
    • 1:1 Hebrew lessons on zoom 20 minutes

    Students will explore the Books of Jonah, Esther, and Ruth; the Shabbat morning prayers; and will delve into multi-week intensives on Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Purim, and Shavuot. Students will learn about the geography and map of Israel and its neighbors; prayer obligations and disability justice; and will continue their exploration of the lifecycle with a focus on conversion.

  • Heh (5th Grade)
    • Sunday 9:00am-12:00pm
    • Wednesday 4:15-6:00pm
    • 1:1 Hebrew lessons on zoom 30 minutes


    Students will explore the leadership of Joshua, Deborah, Yael, Samson, and King David; different names for God; and each of the holidays through the lens of the arts. Students will learn about Israeli artists and architects; the mitzvot of Bikkur Cholim (visiting the sick) and Lashon Hara (refraining from gossip); and will continue their exploration of the lifecycle with a focus on weddings.

  • Vav (6th Grade)
    • Sunday 9:00am-12:00pm
    • Wednesday 4:15-6:00pm
    • 1:1 Hebrew lessons on zoom 30 minutes


    Students will explore the weekly Torah portion with commentary; the holidays through the lens of prayer and liturgy; and an overview of Jewish history and the rise of anti-Semitism.  Students will learn about the Torah service; mitzvot related to social justice; and will continue their exploration of the lifecycle with a focus on divorce and their upcoming B’nai Mitzvah experience.

  • Zayin (7th Grade)
    • Sunday 9:00am-12:00pm
    • Wednesday 6:00-8:00pm with dinner
    • 1:1 Hebrew lessons on zoom 30 minutes up to Bar/Bat Mitzvah

    Students will explore the Prophets; why bad things happen to good people; and how holidays are celebrated in Israel. Students will learn about the events and political culture that led up to the Holocaust, and the formations of Zionism and Israel.  Students will learn about environmental justice; and will continue their exploration of the lifecycle with a focus on death and mourning.

B'nai Mitzvah Guide

Please Click Here for the parent handbook

Other Programs

Youth culture and family programming are important priorities for us here at The Jewish Center. We provide a broad range of age-appropriate programs and family events to build Jewish identity and communal connection for our teens, youngsters, and families with young children. 

You can find more information about our new youth program here.